
How To Report An App To Apple

How to report fraudulent apps from the App Store to Apple for removal

I'm a little tired of looking at and buying apps on the App Store and feeling ripped off, more and more applications slip into Apple that do not do what they promise at all and are a scam in my opinion. So I contacted Apple and they told me the steps to follow to let them know the discomfort about this type of apps:

  1. Enter this Apple support link:
  2. Fill in the data and in the "I have Feedback About" dropdown choose "An Enhancement Request" and then "iTunes Store"
  3. In the comments you must write in English, the name of the app and its "id" number, which you can see in the link when you share it just after the word id.
  4. Fill in the data in the rest of the fields and send it. Between all of us, we will surely achieve something.

I have many examples such as the «Digital TV · Full HD» app, it is in the top ten in Spain with more than 3000 5-star ratings. Why? promises to give you more channels if you vote 5 stars, but obviously that does not happen, it is simply a hoax, If you read those opinions with 5 stars, they are mostly complaints, and of course it does not offer Full HD quality, but that's another thing, the really annoying thing is that they deceive you to get positive votes.

There are other examples such as apps that ask you for all credit card details when they are not needed or promise to add features if you upvote them, this is simply a shame.

If you know of other cases or have felt scammed tell us in the comments, together we can make a better App Store.

I leave you a basic writing for those who do not know English (to include in the comments of the claim to Apple), in which you only have to enter the name of the app and its identity number:

The app "appname" with app number «xxxxxxxxx» is a scam, it forces the user to review it with five stars rating to get more features that never appear. Please check the reviews and you'll see why this app is a fraud, everyone is complaining. Please remove it from the App Store.


"Your name"

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How To Report An App To Apple


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