
How To Animate A Dummy In Roblox Studio

The second way of using animations is to play them in response to a character'south action in-game: for instance, if a player picks upwards an detail, or takes damage.

In this side by side script, whenever a player presses a push button, a shock animation will play and paralyze them until the animation finishes.


The balance of this course uses a pre-made model that includes a ProxmityPrompt. Players can walk upwards to a push button and press it to activate an consequence.

  1. Download the Stupor Button model and insert it into Studio.


    Models tin can be added into your Inventory to be used in any game.

    1. In a browser, open up the model page, click the Get button. This adds the model into your inventory.

    2. In Studio, go to the View tab and click on the Toolbox.

    3. In the Toolbox window, click on the Inventory button. Then, make sure the dropdown is on My Models.


    4. Select the Shock Button model to add together information technology into the game.

  2. In StarterPlayer > StarterPlayerScripts, create a local script named PlayShockAnimation.


  3. The lawmaking below calls a function named onShockTrigger when the proximity prompt is activated. Copy it into your script.

    local Players = game:GetService("Players")  local player = Players.LocalPlayer local character = player.Grapheme if non character or non character.Parent and then     character = thespian.CharacterAdded:Expect() end  local humanoid = graphic symbol:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local Animator = humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator")  local shockButton = workspace.ShockButton.Push button local proximityPrompt = shockButton.ProximityPrompt local shockParticle = shockButton.ExplosionParticle  local office onShockTrigger(role player)     shockParticle:Emit(100)  end  proximityPrompt.Triggered:Connect(onShockTrigger)

Create and Load an Animation

Animations that the actor uses are stored on the player'south Animator object. To play the daze blitheness, a new animation track volition need to be loaded onto the Animator object when they join the game.

  1. Above onShockTrigger, create a new Blitheness case named shockAnimation. And then, set the AnimationID of that to the desired animation. Use the ID in the code box if needed.

    local shockButton = game.Workspace.ShockButton.Button local proximityPrompt = shockButton.ProximityPrompt local shockParticle = shockButton.ExplosionParticle              local shockAnimation ="Animation")              shockAnimation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://3716468774"              local function onShockTrigger(player)  end
  2. Create a new variable named shockAnimationTrack. On the player's Animator, call LoadAnimation, passing in the previously created animation.

    local shockAnimation ="Animation") shockAnimation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://3716468774"              local shockAnimationTrack = Animator:LoadAnimation(shockAnimation)            
  3. With the new animation loaded, modify some of the rails's properties.

    • Set the AnimationPriority to Activity - Ensures the blitheness overrides any current animations playing.
    • Prepare Looped to false and then the animation doesn't repeat.
    local shockAnimation ="Blitheness") shockAnimation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://3716468774"  local shockAnimationTrack = Animator:LoadAnimation(shockAnimation)              shockAnimationTrack.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action              shockAnimationTrack.Looped = imitation            

Play the Animation

Whenever someone triggers the ProximityPrompt on the button, it'll play an blitheness and temporarily freeze that thespian.

  1. Find the onShockTrigger office. On the shockAnimationTrack, call the Play role.

    local function onShockTrigger(player)     shockParticle:Emit(100)              shockAnimationTrack:Play()              stop
  2. To prevent the role player from moving while the animation plays, modify the humanoid's WalkSpeed belongings to 0.

    local function onShockTrigger(role player)     shockParticle:Emit(100)      shockAnimationTrack:Play()              humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0              end

Using Animations with Events

Merely how parts take Touched events, animations have events such as AnimationTrack.Stopped. For the script, once the animation finishes, you'll restore the player'southward move speed.

  1. Access the Stopped event for the animation track using the dot operator, and so call the Wait office. This pauses the code until that animation finishes.

    local function onShockTrigger(player)     shockParticle:Emit(100)      shockAnimationTrack:Play()     humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0              shockAnimationTrack.Stopped:Await()              end
  2. Return the player's walk speed to 16, the default for Roblox players.

    local part onShockTrigger(player)     shockParticle:Emit(100)      shockAnimationTrack:Play()     humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0     shockAnimationTrack.Stopped:Wait()              humanoid.WalkSpeed = sixteen              end
  3. Test the game by walking upwards the part and press E to go a shock.

The framework in this script tin be hands adapted to unlike gameplay situations. For instance, try playing a special animation whenever a player touches a trap office, or whenever a team wins a game round.


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